Highbrow Education Features

One-on-One Classes

Highbrow Education’s one-on-one teaching is made more special by the fact that our teachers have developed their strategies, approaches, and materials through years of experience and refinement. The One-on-One classes will focus 100% on your specific needs. We will identify the areas you need to strengthen and work with you to meet your individual goals.


  • Presentations (debates, lectures, extempore, etc.)
  • Group discussions (one-on-one conversation, role-play, situational conversations, case studies)
  • Interview training (resume writing, handling faqs)
  • Basic to intensive vocabulary
  • Modern Grammar(word, phrases, clauses, discourse markers, modern linguistic theories)
  • Phonology (tongue training, the magic of connected speech with the help of songs and movie clips)

IELTS/ IELTS Life skills

  • Weekly mock test facilities
  • Free practice material and resources
  • Batch size 9-10 students
  • Basic to intensive vocabulary
  • Free English class

Highbrow Education’s APPROACH

  • British Council-trained teachers
  • More than 15 years of training and teaching experience
  • Individual problem-solving sessions with the teacher
  • Ample study material
  • Action plan to maximize band score
  • Result oriented methodology
  • Practical English-speaking activities
  • Working on Voice modulation and Changing pitch and pace
  • Spelling games
  • Confidence building activities
  • Improving listening activities
  • Classes in small batches
  • One-on-one class
  • Certificate provided on completion of the course